...is extremely committed to driving their vision towards success. They have proven their commitment and passion through the time that they have spent working on their idea, the sacrifices they have made for their company, and the progress they have made so far. They have already taken steps with their product such as gathering user feedback and prototyping.
...has a strong team. They work well together with their team, and everyone has clearly delineated responsibilities. The CEO has strong leadership skills, and the CTO/CPO has high technical proficiency in the area of their product. Their skills complement each other, and they will be able to stick together through the ups and downs of a startup.
...has shown great potential to build a successful company. Together with their team, they have the technical and business skills and experience needed to make their company ambitions come true. They have past experience in their industry or can quickly learn the landscape, and their team is technically proficient in that industry.
...has thoroughly thought through the idea of their company. They understand the market and their competitors. They have shown some validation that there is a problem or need to be addressed by their company. Their idea is viable and their team understands potential roadblocks, as well as possible solutions to them.
...will be an engaged member of the StartX community. They will share their skills and knowledge with the founders around them and help where they can. At the same time, they will fully utilize StartX’s resources in an effort to constantly learn and improve. Our founders get stuff done and help each other.